If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.
1 Corinthians 15:19 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus did not just come into the world and die. He got up! He walked among us and revealed the truth of God showing us how to live in this world and how to die to this world. He died for our sin and was resurrected for our reconciliation to God. By His blood, we have been redeemed from sin and by His resurrection we have everlasting life to look forward to. Jesus overcame sin and death so that we too could overcome. Death could not hold Him. He not only gives us help to live, but help to never die.
Living in this fallen world requires hope and help. Many people go from day to day praying only for help to make it in this life. People want so badly just to stay alive, they don't like to think about the fact that everyday, every hour, people everywhere are dying. Many view death as the end of life. We who believe in Christ must see death as the transition to our eternal life with God. Let us live our lives to the end of them in this world with eternity in God's Kingdom as our hope and share this hope with others. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, got up from that grave. He is risen! He is alive and well and available to all who believe. Now and forever. That is Good News!
But Christ, God’s faithful Son, is in complete charge of God’s house. And we Christians are God’s house—he lives in us!—if we keep up our courage firm to the end, and our joy and our trust in the Lord. Hebrews 3:6 TLB