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Jacob's Ladder

At sunset he stopped for the night and went to sleep, resting his head on a large rock. In a dream he saw a ladder that reached from earth to heaven, and God’s angels were going up and down on it.

The Lord was standing beside the ladder and said:

“I am the Lord God who was worshiped by Abraham and Isaac. I will give to you and your family the land on which you are now sleeping.”

Genesis 28:11-13 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

This story of Jacob's dream has been told in various formats throughout time. The kids' version depicts the angels going up and down the ladder from earth to Heaven as God directs their activities while helping His children. However, the truth of the story involves Jacob running from his family after having deceived his blind father and cheating his brother out of his birthright. His dream may have come from his desire for redemption. Again we see in the life of Jacob how God forgives and God provides.

God sent His Son, Jesus, to dwell among us so that His plan would prevail over the sin that has corrupted His Creation. We may dream of climbing a ladder to reach Heaven. We read in God's Word that God indeed sends His angels to earth to surround us in protection and keep us in His way (Psalm 91:11). Yet, we have no idea of exactly what God will do as He keeps His promises to never forsake us. It is He who determines our futures and the way He will fulfill the prophecies in His Word of everything He has said He will do.

In the case of His Son, God simply took Him back up, sat Him at His right hand and told us to believe He would be sending Him back the same way He left. While Jesus was here, He gave His life for our sins and rose from the grave to ensure our redemption for eternal life, leaving us with instructions to follow until He returns. Get ready.

So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. Mark 16:19 ESV

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