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Which Way?

This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:

“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”

Isaiah 48:17 NIV

These days most people have access to GPS applications to give direction. They are so much more accurate and easier to use in navigation than the paper maps of former days. However, with everyone's head bent down toward their cell phones, it's a wonder we get anywhere without losing our way or crashing into something! Yet, many still pray to God for direction and ordered steps to get where they would like to go in life. We can thank the Lord for all the current technology that guides us to our desired destinations in travel, but even without this help, God is still the Source that we should follow. With all the earthly assistance we now have to chart our courses in this world, it is God who actually directs and ultimately determines if we will make it to any destination we seek. No matter where we think we're going, His way will always lead us to the best place for us.

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