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Where Were You?

“Where were you when I began building the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. Who decided how big it was to be, since you know? Who looked to see if it was as big as it should be? What was it built upon? Who laid its first stone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God called out for joy?

“Who shut up the sea with doors, when it rushed out from its secret place? I made clouds its clothing, and put much darkness around it. I marked the places where it could not pass, and set locks and doors. And I said, ‘You will come this far, and no farther. Here will your proud waves stop.’

“Will one who finds fault not agree with the All-powerful? He who speaks strong words against God, let him answer.”

Job 38:4-11, 40:2 New Life Version (NLV)

If God decided to audibly respond to our complaints as He did to Job, we would probably require CPR! Aren't you glad He declares His love for us so much? God contends with our doubts and fears but that does not change who He is. He is the almighty, all-powerful God who created Heaven, earth and all who dwell within them. And we must never forget it.

In our Bibles, we are told the story of all Job went through. God considered Him righteous and allowed the enemy to try him out. God's only condition was that Job's life could not be taken, but everything else was fair game. Job was faithful even as he lost everything, but like us when life does not go our way, he did despair. And his "friends" were of no help to him at all. They kept trying to find a way to justify what was going on with Job so they could feel certain his misfortune would not come their way. All this chatter must have amused God until He decided: Enough! When God decided to speak, He stopped everybody in their tracks. "Where were you . . .?"

People didn't create this world and any constructive contributions mankind may have made to it were permitted and inspired by its Creator. God is large and in charge. When we forget this, all we have to do is look around. Nature attests to Somebody Bigger than you and I. We did not build this world any more than we gave life to ourselves. So, let's give glory to God who is its Creator. And while we're at it, let's thank Him for the grace He gives us through Christ to live in it.

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