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The Children

And the little ones that you said would be taken captive, your children who do not yet know good from bad—they will enter the land. I will give it to them and they will take possession of it.

Deuteronomy 1:39 New International Version (NIV)

One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him.

But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.

Matthew 19:13-15 New Living Translation (NLT)

There's been some confusion about little children and what is written in the Word of God about what they mean to Jesus and how they are to be treated. True believers in Christ don't need to be confused because along with loving everyone, He especially loved the little children and He commands the same of us. We are even called to be like little children as we follow Christ (Matthew 8:3).

Then he placed a little child among them; and taking the child in his arms he said to them, “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this in my name is welcoming me, and anyone who welcomes me is welcoming my Father who sent me!” Mark 9:36-38 TLB

The enemy is very busy these days. He's always been busy because he is a defeated foe, destined to an eternal ending and he is desperate as that time draws near. His minions are busy too being used to wreak havoc in this world as they follow him to this end. Those who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and claim coverage of the blood He shed on that cross for our sin, are to be busy demonstrating His loving character in this lost world. Jesus knows those who belong to Him and there is no one that can fool Him, no matter how the Word of God is twisted to condone evil behavior. What the true believer must remember as a follower of Christ is that God don't like ugly and it's getting really ugly. Better recognize!

For we know him who said, “Justice belongs to me; I will repay them”; who also said, “The Lord himself will handle these cases.” Hebrews 10:30 TLB

"Jesus loves the little children. ALL the children of the WORLD.

Red and yellow, black and white,

They are precious in His sight.

Jesus loves the little children of the world."

By C. H. Woolston [Emphasis mine.]

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